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Teri Blackbourn returned to outdoor bowls this year and was encouraged to enter the Open Disability Section of the Somerset Nationals.

Teri performed credibly in the Nationals, qualifying in the singles and placing 3rd equal in the pairs. 

Most importantly though, her performance was enough to catch the eye of the NZ Selectors.  So much so, they took a punt and picked her for the NZ Para Team for the Multi-Nations.   It was a punt that paid off.  Teri and her pairs partner Julie McConnell, another debutant, came home with a silver medal.

The combination have now been selected as the Womens Para-Pair for the World Cup being played on the Gold Coast in Aug/Sept 23.  Congratulations and the best of luck ladies!

2023 Parajacks
2023 parajacks with their World Bowls Pairs Champions medls
Bowls3Five Televised League - 2021 Team Announcement

Pt Chevalier Handicap Singles - 30/11/21
Day 1 saw many close games confirming that the handicaps were allocated reasonably accurately. At the end of the days play, two bowlers remained: Dale Knight with two lives and Kevin Morris one. Dale had stolen Kevin's first life after being 2 down last end and snaffling a 4 to win.

Day 2 saw Dale with a handicap of 5 vs Kevin with a handicap of 0.  Dale came out blazing and won the first 6 ends to extend his lead to 15-0.  Kevin kept grinding away but was unable to catch up in time and conceded with 2 ends to play 24-14.

Dale played a great range of shots during the game - a drive to cleanly chip out a shot bowl millimeters from the jack, lovely draw bowls - and even a wrong bias!

Bowls Auckland 2-4-2 Mixed Pairs Winners - Tessa Farley & Colin Williams

Auckland Mixed Pairs - 

Pt Chevalier Shine 

Three Pt Chevalier teams – Colin Williams/Tessa Farley, Alex Reed/Jenny Stockford and Nick Bell/Jenny Jones – made the final 8 after two grueling days of competition. Hopes of 5 teams in the last 8 were dashed as the Aiden Takarua/Dale Rayner and Kevin Morris/Angela Temple combinations narrowly lost their final game on Day 2 – causing them to miss out on a countback.

In the plate section, Gail Clark and Paul Stier qualified for the last 8, Their run was stopped by the Te Atatu side of Robyn Reihana and Brendan Kelly


The quarter final matches saw Colin/Tessa and Alex/Jenny both win by comfortable margins to progress to the semi-finals. Nick and JJ were beaten by Teo Terua/Agnes Motu 19-11.


Our two Pt Chevalier sides then met in the semi-finals in what turned out to be a titanic battle. The game was drawn 16-16 after Alex drew the shot with his last bowl on the 16th end, to force an extra end. The extra end was then killed by Jenny with her last bowl. After checking the conditions of play, the umpire determined the extra end had to be replayed. The shot changed many times until Tessa played a perfectly executed shot to push one of her bowls onto the jack and squeeze it to a waiting bowl for two. Jenny attempted to dislodge the bowls, narrowly missing – making the final score 18-16 to Colin/Tessa.


A nail-biting final then entailed between Colin/Tessa and Carlton Cornwall’s James Williams and Kimberley Hemingway. The game was always in the balance with any attempts to break away nipped in the bud by the opposition. In the last 4 ends however, after some precision conversion shots by Tessa and some exciting final bowls by Colin, the Pt Chevalier side pulled away to win 15-11.

A well-deserved win by Colin and Tessa who played exceptional bowls throughout the weekend. Both players are having a stella season, with Tessa recently winning the Auckland Ladies fours and Colin is through to the semi-finals of the Auckland Men’s Pairs with partner Harry Davis.

Men's Triples and Pairs Winners and Runners Up

Men's Triples & Pairs Champs found!


John Petelo started the day with two lives in both the triples and pairs. John finished the day with 2 more Club titles to his name!

Leading for Aiden Takarua (S) and Alex Reed (2), his team kept both lives intact, winning comfortably over the Colin Williams/Steve Hoeft/Harry Davis combination 20-8.


He then teamed up with Steve Hoeft for the pairs finals against Aiden and Alex. Losing their first life, the second game then went down to the wire with John and Steve winning 17-16.


Congratulations to all finalists.

Pt Chevalier Club Ladies Triples - Winners and Runners Up

Pt Chevalier Club Triples

Congratulations to our Ladies Champions Jo McKenna (S), Chris Pegg (2) and Jenny Stockford (L) winning the title with two lives in tact.

The final against the in form Jenny Te Nana with newbies Marg Dotchin and Leigh Anderson was a repeat of the first game of the day. Both games were close until the middle stages at which point the McKenna team pulled away.

The middle rounds saw the finalists each take a life of the Gail Clark/Sue Scott/Jenny Jones combination.

Two teams remain in the men's triples - Aiden Takarua/Alex Reed/John Petelo with two lives and Steve Hoeft/Colin Williams/Harry Davis with one. The final(s) will be played on the 5th December.

The men's pairs final between John Petelo/Steve Hoeft (2 lives) and Aiden/Takarua/Alex Reed (1 life) will also be played on this day.  Good luck gentlemen!

Pt Chevalier Mixed Triples

Pt Chevalier Mixed Triples

A field of 8 teams took to the green this morning to contest the Mixed Triples. After 3 rounds, only two teams remained unbeaten - Kevin Morris and Callum Height.

Kevin Morris came up against the Gail Clark, Kevin Skinner and Stephen Campbell combination who had just beaten Alex Reed's side. Kevin Morris's team proved too consistent and took their fourth win of the day.

Callum Height came up against the Dale Knight side, who had changed their playing order. The tactic paid off and Chrissy Pegg, Dale Knight and Mitch Boyce took the win 10-9.

Congratulations to our winners - Kevin Morris (S), Ian McKenna (2) and Jo McKenna (L).
Runners up: Callum Height, Steve Hoeft, Jenny Stockford.
Third: Alex Reed, Jean-Claude Fuller, Sue Scott 

Jo Whitelaw and Pt Chevalier's Steve hoeft - Winners of 2020 PBA World Bowls Final.  They qualified to go to Potters Resort in England.
Winner's Certificate for the PBA

Off to the PBA World Champs!

Winners are grinners!!

Congratulations to Steve Hoeft (L) and Joe Whitelaw (S), winners of the PBA World Bowls final! They beat the Wellington combination of Caleb Hope (L) and Ray Martin (S) - winning the first set 6-5 and drawing the second set 5-5.

Steve and Joe will be off to Potters Resort in England in March (COVID permitting) to represent PBA NZ in the World Indoor Pairs Open. Good luck!


Watch the game:

** Watch the last half of the second set (approx 1 hour 34 minutes in)... and stayed tuned in for the interview - nice shout out to the Pirates!

Burnside Under 26 Runner's Up - Adam Baillie

Watch the games:


Well done to one of our newest club members Adam Baillie, who was runners up in the prestigious Burnside Under 26 singles tournament at the weekend.

This tournament attracts some of the best young talent in the country, many of who are already household names. Entrants included Black Jacks Seamus Curtain, Tayla Bruce and Sheldon Bagley-Howley, Taylor Horn (2019 NZ singles champion), Richard Hocking, and our own Aiden Takarua.

Adam finished 2nd in his section after losses to the well performed Richard Hocking and last years winner Finbar McGuigan. A notable scalp was Bronze Commonwealth game medalist Aiden Zittersteijn.

Aiden Takarua finished first in his section, suffering only one loss en route to post-section.

Our two Pt Chevalier boys drew each other in the quarter finals with Adam winning 21-17. Adam then went on to beat another name to watch Anthony Ouellett 21-20. Taylor Horn then narrowly beat Adam in the final 21-18.


Congratulations on a fine weekend Adam . We are looking forward to seeing you in a green pirate shirt!

Bowls Auckland Representatives - Jenny Stockford, Harry Davis, Steve Hoeft, Colin Williams
Bowl Auckland 1-5 Representative Jean-Claude Fuller

Pt Chevalier hosts first Auckland rep match of the season

It was a pleasure to host the Auckland and North Harbour sides on Sunday as they went head to head in the first rep fixture of the season. It was great to hear everyone enjoyed our greens as much we do!

Congratulations to our players who were selected to play in the match for Auckland - Steve Hoeft, Colin Williams, Harry Davis, Jean-Claude Fuller and Jenny Stockford.

For the days results:

Handicap Pairs Winners - Callum Height and Graham Edwards
Handicap Pairs runners up - Harry Davis and Jo McKenna

Handicap Pairs to Edwards and Height!

The Pt Chevalier Handicap Pairs were played on Saturday in idyllic bowling conditions. 


Two teams finished the day unbeaten on 4 wins - Graham Edwards (S) with Callum Height (L) - and Jo Mckenna (S) with Harry Davis (L). 


With a tight time limit, the speedy play of Callum and Graham proved vital.  Over the 4 games, they managed to play 9 more ends than the McKenna/Davis combination.  With a countback being done on ends, they amassed 40 ends to their rival's 35 ends.  


Congratulations Graham and Callum!

This is two events from two for Callum.  He is sill in the Consistency Singles.  Will he be able to go three from three?  

Mixed Pairs Winners - Jenny Stockford and Callum Height

First Champions of the season found

Our first club event of the season was held on Sunday – the Noel Childs Mixed Pairs.  Ten teams took eagerly to the greens for the best of 4 games competition.


Heading into the final round, there was only two three-winners—Jo Mckenna/Kevin Morris and Callum Height/Jenny Stockford.  With a number of two winners waiting in the wings, tension was high.  Anything could happen!


The Mckenna/Morris combination had a tussle on their hands with the Gail Clark (S) /Harry Davis (L) duo.  For most of the game, there was just one or two points in it.  On the penultimate end, Jo played a great bowl to gain the shot, only to give it away with her last.  Four down last end, Jo and Kevin dug deep for a draw.  But, 3 wins and a draw was not enough,


The talented new face, Callum Height (S), with Jenny Stockford (L) came up trumps against John Petelo (S) /Leigh Cutler (L) to gain their fourth win of the day.


1st – Callum Height (S), Jenny Stockford (L)

2nd – Jo McKenna (S), Kevin Morris (L)

3rd – Keith Earl (S), Jenny Jones (L)


Congratulations Callum and Jenny!

2020 Opening Ceremony - Vice President Les Hunter giving Marg Dotchin her 1-5 Singles cup
2020 Opening - Noel Child's delivering the first jack of the season
2020 Opening - Harry Davis delivering the first bowl
2020 Opening Day - The Band

We did it!  We are open!

The season got underway at 2pm Saturday 12th September with a casual roll up—with players bowling on alternative rinks in their ‘bubbles’.


The formalities commenced at 4:30pm with the official welcoming, a mini-prizegiving, and the opening of the greens.  Thank you to Noel Childs for doing us the honour of delivering the first Jack and to our well performed Club Captain Harry Davis for delivering the first bowl.


Congratulations to our newly crowned 2019/2020 Junior Ladies Singles winner Margaret Dotchin who beat fellow first year Kathy Peri in the final last weekend.  It won’t be long before you will be battling the title again!


Congratulations also to Harry Davis and Graham Edwards who were presented their bars for 5 club titles—and to our Centre Winners—Aiden Takarua (Ch of Ch Singles); Steve Hoeft/Colin Williams/Harry Davis (Centre Triples); Aiden Takarua/Alex Reed/Steve Hoeft/Harry Davis (Centre Fours) - who were presented with their certificates.


Everyone was well fed by The Galley with platters—and, as an added complimentary bonus we were treated to some of their delicious pizzas and slices.  Thank you The Galley!  … And lets not forget the band, G-Strings!  How good were they!

July 2020 - Jo Whitelaw and Steve Hoeft PBA finals day qualifiers

PBA World Bowls Qualifiers

Steve Hoeft, teaming up with Joe Whitelaw, won the PBA World Pairs Qualifier at Remuera today (19/7/20)! Congratulations gentlemen!

Good luck on the 12th September at the playoffs

Prizegiving 2019/2020


WOW! What a year we have had!

It was good to see a great turnout to this year’s prize-giving on Saturday night.

The evening started at 4 pm, with nibbles at 5pm (thank you The Galley - Point Chevalier) and prize-giving at 6 pm, and as expected, drinks throughout.

Our President, Ian McKenna, is not usually lost for words, but even if he was, there was no chance of that this year!  Ian started the evening re-capping some of the many successes of our members throughout the year. There was quite a lot for our small but competitive club.

Special mention and accolades went out to Aiden Takarua who earned his Auckland Gold Star at the age of 21 and after just 14 months of winning his first Auckland title! Aiden’s titles include Auckland Champ of Champ Singles 2019and 2020; Auckland Centre Triples 2019, Auckland Champ of Champ Fours 2019; Auckland Centre Fours 2020.

As well as handing out the cups to the various recipients, we took the opportunity to recognise those members who have reached the 5, 10 and 15 club title milestones and had not yet received their badge. Congratulations to Gail Clark (5), Steve Hoeft (5 plus), John Petelo (10), Angela Temple (10 plus) and Jenny Stockford (15).


The highlight of the night is always the announcement of Most Improved Player and the recipient of the Presidents Cup (which is for a member who has gone above and beyond).


This year Most Improved went to club favourite Harry Davis. To be fair, Harry has always played to a high standard, but this year stepped up an extra notch or two – resulting in him winning two Auckland Centre titles.

The Presidents Cup was awarded to Kevin Morris, who has been helping in every capacity possible – a member of the committee, convener of the Match and Tournament committees, setting up the green for club and tournaments, tidying up the outside areas, spring cleaning and painting as well as finding time to coaching our new members. As one of his fans said on the night ‘Best Coach Ever’.

Congratulations and well deserved Harry and Kevin.

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